After School Program

We chartered KidCare America San Francisco (KCASF) to help children discover the adventure of their lives! Our after-school program seeks to empower children to learn about the fullness of God’s love and the importance of loving their neighbor.

Our mentors and volunteers are dedicated to helping your children’s development through a holistic growth of HEART, SPIRIT, and MIND

HEART (relational exploration):

We want to help children discover the importance of loving their peers, their communities and beyond. We have a number of internal projects that teach team building with fellow program participants but we also have projects that challenge us to consider how we can practically assist our community and the city we live in.

SPIRIT (spiritual exploration)

We believe that our children need to explore the importance of God’s love and what that means to the world around them. We encourage our students to discover that our spiritual life directly affects the way we live every day.

MIND (educational exploration)

Exploring the world we live in through curiosity and study is crucial!  We encourage our children to join us in investigating the world through a variety of subjects like Visual Art, Science, Music, History, Life Skills, and more! We also want to help children learn productive study habits and assist them in their academic challenges at school.

Contact us:

c/o Ann Kawauchi, Children’s Ministry Director
Full Life Christian Center
3535 Balboa Street, San Francisco CA 94121

(415) 668-0266 ext. 4